eLaunchers Blog

Mastering the Laws of Magnetism

Written by eLaunchers | Jul 8, 2019 3:44:00 PM

Your ability to attract ideal clients is directly roportionate to your magnetism. There are sub-laws or minor laws that support the primary law. For instance, the laws of celebrity, resonance, and truth in being the genuine article. For now, let’s concentrate on the encompassing law of magnetism rather than its components so to speak.

As the law of attraction, magnetism is more than just focusing on what we want and expecting it to arrive. It’s an entire state of mind, body, and intention.

That said, if you aren’t experiencing a multitude of ideal clients hounding you to take their money, begging you to take them on as a new client, you are NOT magnetic. In fact, there is something about the whole YOU that is repellent. Simply put, you need help, my friend.

Law of Celebrity

The law of celebrity, which was mentioned in the first paragraph, is often misunderstood by most people. A person is becoming a “celebrity” by either being rich and famous, an actor, singer, dancer or some other typical celebrity-derived individual, couple, or group. The law speaks to whether or not a person is considered a “celebrity” by the mere fact that they are in the public eye, for good or not so good behavior, political position, character or deeds. What celebrity means in this context is that you have devoted followers that know, like, and trust you.

Law of Resonance

When people read, listen or watch your every word believing that you are directing yourself at them alone, that’s known as resonating with your ideal audience. Just as in the movies or on television, not all characters resonate with the audience viewing them. Mahatma Gandhi the activist famous for the anti-British rule in India. He resonated with the Indian people through words and deeds and was able to resonate to the degree of actually having Britain agree to leave the country and enact self-rule. To say he resonated with the crowds in South Africa and India is to minimize his impact on the world. To this day, Mahatma Gandhi’s beliefs still inspire people to non-violence and truth.

The Law of Being Whole

This is the third of the triad that supports the Law of Magnetism. Being considered the ‘genuine article” is a lot more about sincerity and truth in everything than anything else. It’s one thing to talk a good talk, but one’s actions tell the real story. Being sincere, truthful, respectful, honest, and trustworthy when nobody is paying attention is the mark of the genuine article. So many politicians that boast of their good deeds and sense of fair play yet get caught in indiscretions that would make headlines and getting caught with their hand in the cookie jar that it makes all politicians seem suspicious.

Being whole means doing, saying, thinking the right thing consistently, even if there is no one to observe it. It is the rare individual that reaches that level of respectability, yet that is what magnetism requires.

Contrary to what people tell you, the best business doesn’t always win the day. The company that is best marketed will win more times than not, regardless of price, quality, or delivery method. Marketing, therefore, is the differentiator. Magnetic marketing is the dealmaker, and anything less is a deal-breaker.

Attracting the ideal client or customer is the purpose of marketing, plain and simple. Some will tell you that brand awareness is a crucial marketing tactic, and that is partially true.

If the goal is to have the world know about your brand, doesn’t it make sense for them to be favorably attracted to your company as a result of positive reactions from your marketing? Of course, it does.

A fool would think otherwise. If someone knew of your brand but didn’t find anything attractive about it, that only disqualifies them from ideal status, nothing more. We cannot please everyone. To think we should strive for perfect resonance from everyone is foolish.

Next time I’ll cover some pointers of how to make the concept of magnetism work in your day to day work life.

PS – If you’d like to learn more about magnetic marketing, click the button to access a free copy of Dan Kennedy’s Book – Magnetic Marketing (I wrote the forward).