eLaunchers Blog

How to Create A Guarantee

Written by eLaunchers | Mar 29, 2018 8:30:00 PM

So you’re convinced your business – and your customers – would benefit from a strong guarantee. Now what? What are you going to guarantee? How are you going to position it? Once again, this goes back to your target audience and your product or service. What are some of the major objections your potential customers raise during the sales process? What kind of risk do they take on when they make a purchase? How much time will they need to test or experience your product or service?

Brainstorm a list of things about your industry that really frustrate your customers. They could be service-based (contractors that don’t show up, employees who don’t perform) or product-based (products that break, do not perform). Then, take a look at your list and decide how you can make sure these things do not happen. Think big – you can do a lot more than you think – then determine if you can actually make good on your promise. If you can’t guarantee the first frustration, then move on to the second.

Here are some tips on writing your guarantee:

Be specific. Explain exactly what you are guaranteeing. Don’t make vague guarantees that a product will “work” or a service will make you “happy”. These words mean different things to different people. Guarantee specific performance or results.

Include a clear timeframe. Put a realistic time

frame on your guarantee. Very few products or services are good forever. Offer a 30-day or 90-day free trial; guarantee results within a set number of days or weeks. This can protect your company, and sets out clear expectations for your clients.

Be bold. Unbelievable guarantees get a customer’s attention, so go as far as you realistically can with your claim. Find a way to stand out over the competition – which may also have a guarantee.

Tell them what you’ll do. Explain what you’ll do – how you’ll compensate them – if your product or service doesn’t deliver. Be specific, talk money, and go above and beyond.


Implementing guarantees

Tell your clients
Put your guarantee everywhere – your website, brochures, receipt tape, in-store signage, advertisements, and other promotional materials. It will only help attract customers if they know about it.

Send a newsletter to your existing client base informing them of your new guarantees – you never know how many customers you can convince to come back and spend more in your business.

Train your Staff
Once you have decided to offer your clients a guarantee, you need to ensure your staff are properly trained on the specific policies and procedures associated with that guarantee. If you offer different guarantees for different products and services, ensure this is made clear as well.

Presumably, your staff will be communicating the details of your guarantee, and fielding customer questions. They will have to know how to sell the product using the guarantee as a benefit, and understand every application of the guarantee in your business. Every scenario a customer may need to use it.

To ensure your staff is not accidentally making any false claims or promises, create a guarantee script for them to use and stick to. This will prevent customers from returning with false hopes for their money back, or other compensation.


If you are interested in learning more or want to know how we can generate a great guarantee for your company, click below to schedule a free consulation.