eLaunchers Blog

How Magnetic Marketing Campaigns Can Change Your Trajectory Once and For All

Written by eLaunchers | Jun 5, 2019 9:46:00 AM

How Magnetic Marketing Campaigns Can Change Your Trajectory Once and For All
(Visit https://magneticmarketing.com/ to learn more about Magnetic Marketing)

Magnetic Marketing can move the needle, change your trajectory, up your game, improve your lead generation, attract new clients like magic, and a myriad of other cliche's that get thrown around the marketing world.  Only this time it’s true, as is evidenced by thousands of smart marketers and business owners across the globe.  They adhere to proven formulas inspired by the one and only Dan Kennedy.There are 12 steps you can take to make your business grow to the next level by following these. Use this as a checklist if you like to make sure all the bases are covered:

  1. Identify Your Avatar – Go to great lengths to fully understand your target audience, ideal customer or however, you describe them. Know them so well you can recite their kid’s names, and what they had for breakfast.
  2. Set goals and milestones – Create a documented set of goals and objectives, with milestones along the way. After all, you can’t get to where you want to be by guessing which routes to take, nor know how long it will take to get there. Plan. 
  3. Create your offer – Messaging must be compelling, engaging, magnetic in nature so that those that resonate cannot avoid it once they see it. Furthermore, the offer you are presenting must be so essential to addressing the nagging pain-point your avatar is experiencing.
  4. Create your landing page – Take the time to craft a captivating and capturing vehicle by which to make the trade of the prospect’s contact information for a peek into your offer, and an opportunity to access it, whether a free download, a book, checklist, or product/service.
  5. Plan and build your automation flows – No matter what automation platform you are using, map out the customer journey. Which media will best suit your purposes? Where does your avatar hang out? What do they read, listen to, watch, or read? Are they on social media? From initial contact to conversion, there is also long-term customer loyalty nurturing. One of the big mistakes small business owners make is not planning their internal marketing communications campaigns to KEEP the customer once they have captured them.


  1. Write a blog post – You’ve created the offer, landing page, Identified your avatar’s favorite info-gathering sources, and you’ve set up all of the messaging to share. Now write about it in a highly engaging blog post and spread the word.  A great way to receive extra attention is to create a pillar page about the main topic of your offering/product/service.  Add to that a cluster of other blog articles, special reports, checklists, podcasts, videos, and any other marketing assets to support the action you are attempting.
  2. Long-Tail Keywords – Keywords are relevant, but Long-Tail Keywords make a much better impact, as online search has shifted from solely keying in an item and location to describing in detail what they seek. By knowing your avatar, your product or service, and how the avatar describes it (long-tail keywords) will make finding you so much easier.
  3. Social Sharing & RSS feeds – We touched on this a bit in the planning step (number 5), but social media and RSS is essential to share the information, inspire others to share your content and make comments. Your goal is to get your content in front of as many eyes as possible in the shortest amount of time.
  4. Paid Search, and other channels – Pay Per Click, AdWords, a wide variety of distribution channels will aid in spreading the word. Not only can a single blog post be posted, but it can also be converted into a podcast, a video, checklist, online or offline ad, discount coupon, or any other marketing channels to boost exposure.
  5. Track Traffic Sources – Here’s where a lot of small business owners fall short. Keeping track and measuring the success rates of every marketing channel being utilized.  Know what’s working where at any given time (here’s where milestones come in) so that you can make necessary adjustments, add or remove distribution channels to improve conversion, and know the Return on Investment of each campaign.  Dollars out, dollars in.  The minimum results should be break-even, but that doesn’t pay the bills.  At least it doesn’t break the bank. No one is 100% all the time.
  6. Report on Your Results – Compile the data from every distribution channel and analyze the ROI from all aspects. Know the numbers from everywhere your message appears.  Pull them together and keep a file so you can refer back for relaying info to the C-Suite or relating to when planning future campaigns.
  7. Celebrate Your Wins - All work and no play make for some pretty poor motivation. Celebrate the wins is vital to ensure everyone on the team can take pride in the successes.  It’s not only motivating but provides them with a sense of accomplishment for all the blood, sweat, and tears that have been shed to make the action a success. 

A change in trajectory is always the right move when dedicating resources to the marketing efforts.  The marketing is what puts the grease to the wheels, the coal in the furnace, and the steam for the whistle.  This train known as Magnetic Marketing is on the tracks, but it takes you and these steps to get it to move, and at what speed.
