eLaunchers Blog

Fear or Faith The Choice Is Yours

Written by Parthiv Shah | Jan 10, 2024 1:00:00 PM

While perusing the vault of the Secrets of Success Mastermind Group, I came across a quote by Elsie Lincoln Benedict…

“Fear of Any Kind is a depressant to both the mind and body, while faith stimulates us to attempt and finally accomplish the impossible.”

So many people live their lives in fear. They don’t realize it, but it’s true nonetheless.

For us high achievers, we would never admit to being fearful; we call it stressed.

We fear nothing; we’re just stressed. We’re stressed about an upcoming meeting, we’re stressed about upcoming expenses, and stressed about an upcoming doctor’s appointment, and all the afterschool events we’ve committed to with the kids.

But if you think about what’s at the root of your stress…it’s fear.

Fear about what will happen if your meeting doesn’t go well.

Fear about finances and how upcoming expenses might derail your plans.

Fear about what the doctor might say and what that could mean for your life.

Fear about being a good parent and not letting your children down.

Fear often accompanies us throughout our days. It sits beside us on our ride to work, looks over our shoulder when we pay bills, and whispers in our ear when we try something new.

And there’s nothing wrong with this.

It’s natural.

This fear response is part of our DNA; it’s a defense mechanism that has helped us evolve and has been with us since our caveman days. Back then, this fear response served us well. When we had to decide in a split second to fight or flee, our fear response kept us alive.

But now, this same fear response can make us neurotic slaves to a constant state of stress and overwhelm that steal our joy and ruin our lives.

So what’s the answer? How do we overcome this evolutionary fear response? Elsie Benedict answered this beautifully,

“Faith Stimulates us to attempt and finally accomplish the impossible.”

Whenever you find yourself feeling stressed, overwhelmed, anxious…, or fearful, acknowledge this response and, as long as you aren’t being chased down by a wooly mammoth or about to be hit by a bus, take a moment and change the conversation in your head.

Instead of focusing on all that could go wrong, ask yourself, “What if it all works out?”

Fight fear with faith.

I believe this to be at the heart of what Elsie Benedict was saying. Living in a state of fear is limiting. Living with faith opens up the impossible. So wisely choose where you want to live.

 If you’d like to learn more about Elsie Benedict and gain insight from her work, I urge you to go to www.hillbookclub.com and join Russell Brunson’s Secrets of Success Mastermind group. Membership in this community is open to those who wish to gain a competitive advantage by studying and applying the works of people like Elsie Benedict, Napoleon Hill, Earl Nightengale, and many more.

Membership gives you access to the digital vault, which holds a treasure trove of published and unpublished works from some of the past hundred years' greatest thinkers, philosophers, and entrepreneurs. Take advantage of this opportunity, and you’ll join a community of like-minded high achievers and have the chance to do a deep-dive study into the philosophy of success and personal growth.

I hope to see you on the inside!