eLaunchers Blog

Exciting News About Email Marketing!

Written by eLaunchers | Aug 6, 2021 12:15:00 PM

Some marketers and business owners are subject to “shiny object syndrome” or always switching to “the next big thing” available. It is therefore no surprise when they fall into the trap of thinking that emails have lost their relevance for advertising and replace them with targeted ads, influencer contracts and app advertisements.

But guess what? They are making a huge mistake.

This recent study on email marketing from EmailToolTester tells us why email is not going out anytime soon. Let’s review this info.


There are A LOT of people that continue to use email successfully

It is projected in the EmailToolHelper report that 50% of the world’s population use this type of communication. There are 4.3 billion email users and 808 billion (!) emails in inboxes at any one time. Customers report that at least 59% of them made a purchasing decision based on an interaction with a vendor’s emails and at least 50% of customers buy from marketing emails at least once a month. Just by sheer numbers, you need to pay attention to email marketing.


Email marketing has a staggering Return On Investment (ROI) of 4400% (44$ back on each dollar spent)

This stat is why millions of small and medium-sized businesses are using email marketing as a primary way to reach customers. This is an average, results WILL vary. However, even if you only get 20%, it’s still a good ROI.


The open rates for emails vary from averages of 20% - 80%

These number will change by industry and customer base; intent of email (welcome or newsletters or sales …). Make sure to catch your audience’s attention right away to get a higher rate. Also, approximately 14% of emails are caught by spam filters so do your homework to avoid ending up there.


The EmailToolTester report gives some useful advice on what kinds of emails are effective for business

According to the report, the use of headers, images and emojis in email copy is increasing open and response rates of at least 5% compared to emails without those choices.

Another effective way to increase the open rate of your emails is to target your emails for the mobile audience (24% and always growing) with clearer headlines and less text. EmailToolTester notes that emails that are under 200 words are the ones that are most likely to be engaged with on mobile.


If you need some help coming up with and engaging email campaign, let us help!