eLaunchers Blog

Everyone’s Talking About You Behind Your Back

Written by eLaunchers | Jan 17, 2023 1:15:00 PM

Whether or not you are aware of it, your customers leave your office, Zoom call or shop and tell the world what they think. This may be negative feedback that discourages others from approaching your business or using your product, but it can also consist of rave reviews that get others interested in your offer. 

When it comes to marketing education that you just cannot do without, your first lesson is this: referrals are golden! Taking advantage of the (hopefully) positive things that customers are already saying about you and create a structured, win-win system or structure in which referral culture is encouraged. This is one of the secret sauces we add to business burgers at eLaunchers ‒ and with good reason. Turning your customers into fans who market your business for you is as smart as it is efficient. 

Getting Their Attention

All customers must navigate a similar journey before they can be asked to become a client. First, your business must create awareness about your service or product. This can be done through traditional marketing avenues, such as social media marketing, paid print ads, TV or radio appearances and much more. When a potential lead first comes into contact with your business through another trusted flesh-and-blood human, they usually move through the other stages of the sales process much more quickly. 

Sealing The Deal

Once a lead has been acquired, it needs to be nurtured so that a sale can be activated. This is all done with the purpose of creating revenue for your business. When a lead has been gathered from a more traditional third-party source, such as an advert or email list, customers usually require much more convincing, which translates into more hours and, therefore, more money spent on closing them. 

In contrast, a client or customer that has been referred to your business via a well-known source has been nurtured to trust and believe in you already ‒ without you having lifted a finger. Once a prospect has made a purchase, they then need to be retained as a client. When you create a memorable, meaningful experience for your end-user, they are much more likely to refer others to your business. 

By building referral strategies and incentives into your operations and sales process, you will motivate your customers to focus on the positives of their experience with you. Your customers, clients or patients are talking about you anyway, which is why you may make use of it! 

Does your business need help leveraging existing customer experiences to sell? Reach out to us at eLaunchers today. We can strategize, plan and roll out your business’s referral mechanisms. Make existing clients, fans and patients your biggest marketers by harnessing the power of word-of-mouth.