eLaunchers Blog

A Date With Your Dollar :-)

Written by Parthiv Shah | Oct 6, 2020 11:31:04 AM

If you can have a chance to actually TALK to the dollar in your wallet, how would that conversation go? What would you like to tell the dollar in your wallet? What questions would you want to ask?

I think, here is how this conversation could go. Go ahead and take a dollar bill out from your wallet and give it a try. You would be surprised at the wisdom and insights it will give you!

"Hello Beautiful! So good to see you. I am grateful that you are here. You are not the source of evil. You are not the only thing that matters in my life, but you do matter. I know you can not buy me happiness, but your company makes me happy. I am glad you are here.

So, I have some questions for you:

  • When did you get here?
  • Who did you come from?
  • How long were you with the human who gave you to me?
  • What was he/she thinking before deciding to give you to to me?
  • WHY did he/she gave you to me?
  • What did promise him/her so he/she gave you to me?
  • Did I do what I said I would do?
  • Did I earn you fair and square, or did I steal you from him/her?
  • How does he/she feels about me? How does he/she feels about giving you to me?
  • If I go back to him/her and ask for more, what would he/she say?

Wait, wait, don't LEAVE yet! I am not done with you yet! What did you say? You have to go now? OK, Fine! I understand it is time for us to part ways... but before you leave, can I ask you few more questions?

  • Are you saying 'Goodbye...' or are you saying 'Be Right Back'?
  • WHY are you leaving me?
  • What can I do so you would go out and find more of your siblings and bring them back to me?

And here is my last question to you:

Why do you make so much noise BEFORE coming to me and AFTER leaving me? "