eLaunchers Blog

Build Your Social Media Presence

Written by Parthiv Shah | Sep 21, 2021 12:00:00 PM

Nowadays it is important to have a strong online presence to be able to sell your products and services. Now the question you probably have is  “How do I get noticed?” in all the noise and clutter?


By having meaningful interactions with your customer base. Let’s say you are an expert in a particular area – the best way to create value is to share that knowledge with your potential customers.

Offer free knowledge on whatever you want (preferably in the area of your business practice), free reports, PDFs, ebooks, pictures etc. By offering your expertise for free you get the attention of the potential clients and promote your brand as being relevant to their interests.


Be proactive online.

Just like with offering your knowledge – offer your opinion to the clients. In the age of social network obsession, it is perfectly fine to express your values online. By doing so you will learn how to spot like-minded individuals and promote your services to them.


Post, share, like, repeat.

These are the rules of the game – you need to be active online and it requires consistency and a certain amount of time. Make sure to spend some specific amount of time on a consistent basis engaging with others online. Five minutes daily, Fifteen every few days, Whatever works for your business. comment, share, repost, like, tag on content that is relevant to your business OR what you want to share about yourself with the online community. Make sure you show up on the platform(s) that your audience uses.


Produce Content

Here’s where you can get creative. Explore some ideas on what you would like to produce! Think about the pictures you want on your website and social media, shoot videos, record a podcast. The possibilities are endless and there is lots of people willing to provide ideas (whether they know it or not). Here is a link to a great article on finding content ideas from Search Engine Journal.


Automate Interactions

You can automate a lot of beginning interaction and still have your client think you are responding to every one of their emails and messages. There are many tools available to help with this. To be able to give advice on where to start, we'd need to have a conversation.


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