eLaunchers Blog

An evening with Steve Tucker

Written by Parthiv Shah | Jul 13, 2022 7:43:00 PM



Welcome to Saturday evening at e-Launchers in Gaithersburg,  Maryland. My name is Steve Tucker. I'm a corporate and real estate lawyer. I used to work on Wall Street at the big firms in New York City. I have my own practice now. I was on Dan Kennedy's Facebook page Magnetic Marketing|No B.S. Inner Circle. I'm a member there and I was participating in a conversation  and Parthiv answered one of my questions. I noticed that Partyhiv was located in Germantown, Maryland which is only three miles up the road from where I'm located in Gaithersburg, Maryland. He invited me to his office here at e-Launchers and we spent a Saturday, probably two hours talking a little bit about my business and where things were and what my goals were; and revenue goals and growth and things like that. We agreed to meet again the following weekend, which we did. And the following weekend we really spent some time together, about three hours. Parthiv gave me a very generous consultation about where he thought things could go with my practice. How I could get an additional hundred thousand in revenue, then three hundred thousand, five hundred thousand - build it up to an additional million and beyond. He gave me a whole bunch of books. Some of them are here, one of them is this one which I really enjoyed reading. This is Business Kamasutra for attorneys as you can see. I've pretty much dipped it in yellow and pink highlighter and. I have a lot of sticky notes on the sides. This is an excellent read if you're a lawyer looking to grow your practice. I really enjoyed reading it. I got a lot out of it. So the upshot of all of this is that when I met with Parthiv, we decided to hire him and engage him as my marketing director. And to get me on a path towards some real growth that, because of some illnesses I have had in my past, I was not able to do on my own. Or had I been able to do them on my own, would have taken a lot longer to do. So we spent another weekend here. Today we've been here for about eight hours and we now have a nice road map towards things like my fee structure, how we get that additional $100 000 within the next 90 days; how we get that additional $300 to $500 000 within the next six months to a year and beyond. That's really something that I'm looking forward to. In that whole process it has been very logical and progressive and intuitive, and structured in a way that. I would never have been able to do it on my own. The amount of software and intricacy and involvement that this process is going to take is something that. I had been working on my own. But Parthiv has shown me a whole different world as to how this is really going to end up working and what's really required to get the growth that I'm looking to get. I would say this, if you're looking to grow your law practice - really if you're in any business - but if you're a lawyer like me and you're looking to grow your practice, I would say spend an hour or two with Parthiv on any day he's open. Any day except Sunday. I would say because he's very generous with his time and very generous with a couple of initial consults. I would say take advantage of that, take advantage of an hour or two or three with Parthiv on a Saturday afternoon or whatever day is convenient for you. Let him map out and structure out something for you and you'll really have your eyes opened as to what's possible. You'll really feel like I did, which was very optimistic about what can be done with direct marketing and digital marketing and growing your business or your law practice as the case may be. So Parthiv, I want to thank you for all the time you spent.  

If you would like to spend some time with Parthiv, click the link below.