eLaunchers Blog

7 Reasons Why You Must Put “WTF” in your Content.

Written by Parthiv Shah | Apr 19, 2019 4:56:46 PM


That’s right, jazz it up, make it emotional one way or another. Want to rant about something that pisses you off about your industry to make your point? Then, why aren’t you doing so?  What’s holding you back? Chicken?

See what I mean? Most people never pay attention to your content because you are boring. Say it with me….B.O.R.I.N.G.

So, when you fully understand messaging that grabs the attention of people, you’ll be on your way to building an audience.  Sure, some people will be repelled by your style, intent, brashness, or even crude nature, but WTF are you looking for, goody-two-shoes or people that resonate with you and your message?

  1. Great Insight Into Your Target Audience You must have great insight into your target audience in order to create content that speaks to their pain, their challenges, their dissatisfaction with something either personal or business related. That will depend on the solutions you offer to your clients or patients. With insight you should be able to slip into their moccasins and walk a mile or two and really get what keeps them awake at night.  

  2. Resonant Images Ever hear a picture is worth 1000 words? Well, it’s more like 10,000 words if you can find exactly the right one.  Such as the image for this article. Not only does the title have WTF as part of the message, the image will cause anyone looking at it to think exactly the same utterance. A chicken smoking, WTF????

  3. A Compelling Headline (or Subject Line for email) It’s got to hook the person who has it in front of them.  It could be an email, an online or offline ad, or even a direct mail piece. Heck, have you noticed billboard advertising that has a hook for a headline?  How about this one; Don’t Die With Your Teeth in a Glass was used with a set of dentures in a glass of water sitting on a night stand.  The ad was for what? Yep, dental implants.  Effective? Undoubtedly.  It made a compelling statement that could not have been misconstrued.

  4. You Need a Killer Offer The offer has to be irresistible, a one-of-a-kind, can’t miss or you’ll die kind of offer.  Your offer has to be an unheard-of VALUE that, if ignored will leave a “you’ll regret it” message in their minds.  Adding Outrageous Bonuses always makes the offer that much more valuable. These bonuses have to be out of your normal stuff that you typically use for lead generation.  What enhances the killer offer with killer bonuses are the even more killer bonuses for fast action-takers. 

  5. Can You Convert? You must have the ability to convert suspects into prospects, prospects into leads, leads into customers, clients or patients, plain and simple. It’s no use getting the first four things dead-on, but not being able to move the recipient of the messaging through the journey toward purchasing, you might as well save your time, energy, and money. Have processes and systems in place to make certain all of the touch-points are thorough, customer-centric, and consistently terrific. No sense doing a half-assed job.

  6. A Welcome to the Tribe Ceremony Here’s where most small business owners fail miserably. Just because you have a new client, customer, or patient doesn’t mean the job is over.  It costs money to acquire a quality client, so why skimp in making them the center of your attention? A welcome kit is a great way to show them you care. What’s a Welcome Kit?  You need to visit here and read about the HSK, and what it can do for you and  your business.

  7. You Need a Loyalty Program That Works Unless you are “we will cut your hair for $6, or a burger joint, you need a loyalty program that is a whole lot more than a punch card.  I don’t care if it is a digital punch card app, it simply won’t impress, nor keep anyone once they get a whiff of something that seems more appealing. 

    SPOILER ALERT!  I get my hair cut at the “We fix the $6 haircut.” And, I don’t eat much beef.  

    Think about it this way: would you rather keep tracking down new clients, customers, or patients? Or would it be more efficient, and create lasting relationships by creating raving fans because you have the greatest loyalty program ever?

My point is this: if you want to resonate with your ideal clientele, keep them, and get them to refer their family and friends to you and only you, then you have got to get and keep their attention. Remember this, the cost of acquiring a new individual to your business will always be greater than maintaining loyal ones over the long haul. And, it’s a lot less stressful, and a lot more fun. 

There are a zillion ways to put fun and loyalty touches into your business.  The problem with this concept is it requires research, brainstorming, processes and systems, and follow through.  It also takes a champion to make sure the systems operate at peak performance.  That, my friend, is you.  Only you can make the whole thing work like a Swiss Clock.  Only you can make everyone loyal and referring others. 

Only you have the most to lose if you don’t do it, or do it wrong.