
When to Prepare for Black Friday - Part 3

Posted by Richard Bueckert on Sep 29, 2022 3:54:00 PM

Welcome once again to our continuing week-by-week glance at preparing for a Black Friday promotion.


Last week was defining your audience. This week  we are going to refine that down.

October 11 to October 22: Divide your herd


Think of yourself as a rancher with a herd of cows.

Because like a rancher, your herd represents your source of income.


Also like a rancher, you need to care for your herd by protecting it from predators, feeding it, and encouraging it to multiply. Doing so provides you with a predictable, ongoing income.


Now, look at your herd. A cow is not just a cow. There are beef cattle and there are dairy cattle. Two completely different sources of income. Your herd is the same. And identifying the different groups within your herd is critical to your success.


Realize that once you’ve identified your Black Friday promotion, that offer probably will not appeal to everyone in your herd. This is important because your customers don’t have time for irrelevant emails, especially when they’re being bombarded with other Black Friday offers.


You must target the right part of your herd through segmentation which is putting your cows into different corrals based on factors like gender, location, and purchase history.


Software like Keap can automatically segment your herd based on actions like purchases, link clicks, and form fills. The information is then stored and allows you to send emails to only the parts of your herd that are in specific corrals (this is called customer segmentation if you’re not following my rancher metaphor!).


PRO TIP: Thanks to software like Keap, many of your cows can inhabit multiple corrals simultaneously which allows you to craft multiple offers to present to the herd.


Need brainstorming ideas? Get a complimentary 15-minute strategy session with Richard Bueckert HERE


Topics: traffic, Business Plan, eLaunchers Traffic System

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